"For a product that's been described as the champagne and 'Christian Dior' of messages, there's perhaps no surprise for guessing who Bond Telegram Company sees as its target audience for these thriller messages."

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"The only people that wouldn't appreciate a Bond Telegram are those that don't need oxygen, and there aren't many of those!"

"With a deep reservoir of classy features, there's no doubt that a Bond Telegram will command respect. If not the world's most impressive message presentations, they're certainly in the top one."

"Bond Telegram Company is focused 180 degrees away from where cheap and mass-market communication is coming from, and that's a big part of the appeal of this innovative product."

"Overwhelmed. And yes, that's exactly the right word to describe how someone will feel when one of these things lands in their lap. A Bond Telegram trumps in straight spades any other form of message presentation by a clear mile."

"The company set out to excite people with their posh presentations and there's no doubt that they've pulled it off in a big way. These classy, retro-styled Bond Telegrams are light years away from anything else and give a whole new meaning to the word 'special'."

"There's never been a form of message which can speak so clearly, and for so long."

"With a creative that Henry Morse would recognise, Leonardo da Vinci would appreciate and Queen Victoria and Prince Albert would use, the company has hit on an idea which is a stroke of genius. Amazing it has never been thought of before. If you're reading this Simon, I want one!"

"From a time when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits"
"Bond Telegram Company's designs give a nod to the important role telegrams have long played in documenting important events. The heritage of telegrams give Bond Telegram messages a 150 year old DNA."

"The Bond Telegram message idea has been hailed as the most unique, exclusive and impressive presentation of words ever. It's a great example of innovation happening right here in the UK."

Copyright © Bond Telegram Company Ltd. 2009 - 2025

Bond Telegram Company Ltd. Registered office: 199 Roundhay Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS8 5AN.
Registered in England. Company registration number: 7653112. VAT no: GB114118753